Bogdan Budescu

I am a freelance machine learning engineer, mostly dealing with computers' vision problems

Aestethic Disclaimer and Concerns Regarding Privacy

21 Sep 2018 » blog

Currently, the website on which this blog resides has been built by the only active employee of Iddo Software, namely the author of this post (to which we will, henceforth, simply refer to as me). I’m neither a designer, nor a web developer. Arguably, I’m pretty good at other stuff, like machine learning and computer vision, but you’ll have to bear with the rest of us the burden of my lack of talent when it comes to making web pages look nice. Also, most people say that my tastes are rather quaint.

So, I’m trying to make the case that, on the off chance you’ll find anything that helps you here, please don’t let the sheer ugliness of the website stop you from using and, maybe, even enjoying it. Ok, maybe the theme on which the blog is built helps prevent me from making things look too bad, but I’m probably going to ruin it anyway if I can.

Perhaps some day Iddo Software will afford hiring a good designer to make the experience of reading the stuff here less painful, but until then, I’ll just drop here whatever I think can soften the pain of existence as a machine learning / computer vision engineer and hope for the best.

Blog tech and privacy concerns

The blog is hosted by GitHub Pages and statically built from markdown by the Jekyll made available by GitHub Pages. You can find the source code of the posts on the public GitHub repository from which it is automatically published.

At the time being, I’m not interested in serving advertisments of any kind or even measuring how many people visit this website, so, as you can see in the public source code of the blog, it’s not using anything like Google Analytics, or keep any logs. But you should probably be aware that you’re going through Microsoft’s servers when getting the content here, and that you’ve probably gotten to us with some help from ClouDNS.